Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas dinner and a few pints later.....
Me and Mama on Christmas day. Doesn't she look tired? I think that might have been my fault!

Me and cousin Ethan wearing matching 'My first Christmas' tops. Isn't he small compared to me? Mama says he'll be bigger than me one day but I can't see how - I'm twice the size! I like my cousin Ethan, he's cool.

What is it with adults and silly christmas hats? I look ridiculous!

Yet another silly christmas hat. This one wouldn't stay on my head - ha ha!!

Round at my Auntie Liz and Uncle Ed's place. It's so cosy there and I was still a bit jet lagged - I just couldn't help but go to sleep!

Well everyone I just had my first christmas and it was soooo much fun!!! I got to meet a lot of my English family (including my new cousin Ethan who's tiny compared to me!) and friends. I blew raspberries at all of them and Auntie Betty taught me how to sing. It was a bit overwhelming at first as the time's all backwards here so when everyone else was ready for bed I was wide awake and when everyone else was wide awake I couldn't keep my eyes open!!! My mama wasn't too happy about that..... I miss my papa too, but I'll get to see him really soon so that's ok. Here are some photo's and vids of me having fun at Christmas.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Aren't we a happy family!
Mama and Papa took me to the beach and do you know what they did - they plunged my feet into the freezing cold water! Oooo I wasn't very happy about that. I thought it was mean! I'll get them back as soon as I'm big enough.

Auntie Rosie and Clare came to visit. Look - this is the hat Auntie Rosie knitted - it fits my head now!
Do you think it suits me? What do you think of the colour? Do you think it matches my top?

Look how big my tongue is everyone! It's HUGE!
Hi everyone I'm 14 weeks old now and life just keeps getting better. Here are some photo's and videos of my latest antics.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cool sunhat
Nothing like an Ooooby dinner and a glass of wine.
Oh I'm such a cutie.
Me and my mate hannah
Looking gorgeous!

12 weeks today!

Look everyone I can hold my head up!
Sucking my thumb some more.
Papa, I look like an elf! Take this silly thing off me! I know we live in New Zealand but that's no excuse to dress me up like something from Lord of the Rings!!!
Looking good in denim. Although I think they might be a bit big for me.
I like hanging out with my Auntie Rosie!
Me and Papa at the Big Intent.
Mama, this is not a bath, its a sink! What are you doing? I don't even fit in!
Hello everyone. Well I'm 12 weeks old today and just so happy. I wake up early on a morning and just have to squeal and kick my arms and legs around because it's so exciting to be starting a brand new day. I don't understand why my mama and papa don't seem quite so excited as me...... And they've got these funny dark circles under their eyes that seem to be getting darker. Oh well. Anyway, here are some more photo's and videos of what I've been doing in the last couple of weeks.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Some more yummy photos of me.
Here is a video of my mama trying to get me to squeal.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Here are some photos of me. Don't I look silly! Bad Mama and Papa for dressing me in such ridiculous clothes. They have no fashion sense! How will I ever find myself a girlfriend when they dress me like this?!
Here are a few videos of me. Mama and Papa were trying to make me smile on camera - but I refused! Ha ha! Although there were a couple of times I let one slip out. I couldn't help it I just got excited and couldn't contain myself!

Here I am at the markets with all my family. Apparently it was a lovely day although I wouldn't know as I was asleep the whole time we were there.
I've been having such a nice time hanging out with my Grandma, Grandad, Grannie and Grandpa. They came from all over the world to visit me. Today my Mama and Papa are taking me on an aeroplane all the way to Sydney so I can meet some more of my family.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Toby's own Blog

Hello everybody. My name is Toby.

I was born on the 31st of August 2008 at 6.52am NZ time. I weighed in at 7lb 11oz (3.5kg) and I measured 53cm. My star sign is virgo and my Chinese horoscope is the same as my papas... year of the rat!

My mama says that I'm gorgeous and my papa thinks I'm beautiful.